Lily: (1) What do you want to do tonight? Tom: Well, there’s a good film that I want to see. Lily: (2) ……….’s it called? Tom: “Les Enfants Terribles.”

By Josephine

Lily: (1) What do you want to do tonight? Tom: Well, there’s a good film that I want to see. Lily: (2) ……….’s it called? Tom: “Les Enfants Terribles.” Lily: A French film? (3)………. do you want to see a French film? Tom: Because people say it’s very good. Lily: (4) ………much French do you understand? Tom: Quite a lot. actually. What about you? (5) ……..many years did you study French at school? Lily: I did it for four years, so I understand quite a bit. Tom: Do you want to come? Lily: OK. (6)……….. cinema is it at? Tom: The Odeon. Lily: The Odeon? (7)………. ‘s that? Tom: It’s opposite the supermarket. Lily: Ah! (8) ……….do you want to get there? Tom: There’s a bus that goes there. Lily: Fine. (9)……… does it start? Tom: At 7.30. Lily: (10) ………..’s in it? Do you know

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