Mai: Hi Duong. You/ want/ join us/ badminton/ Saturday? Duong: Certainly. I/ love/ badminton/. What time/ you/ meet? Mai: Three. We/ do/ it/ the sch

By Arya

Mai: Hi Duong. You/ want/ join us/ badminton/ Saturday?
Duong: Certainly. I/ love/ badminton/. What time/ you/ meet?

Mai: Three. We/ do/ it/ the schoolyard. After that/ we/ go/ swimming.

Duong: Sounds great! But Phong and I/ go/ cinema/ 6.30. Perhaps/ you/ want/ come/ us…

Mai: What/ film/ you/ watch?

Duong: The X-factor. It/ action/ film.

Mai: Hmm… not my cup of tea. Action films/ a bit tiring/ for me… So I/ see/ you/ badminton/ only.
Duong: OK.

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