Mom: Sun, you look very (1) Anything interesting (2–… school? Sun: Yes, Mom. I’m going to (3) =-. the Y&amp

By Arya

Mom: Sun, you look very (1)………… Anything interesting (2……….. school?
Sun: Yes, Mom. I’m going to (3) …………….. the Y& Y Green Group.
Mom: Really? What will you do?
Sun: We are having an environment month. And, we’re going to (4) ………… the banks of
the lakes on the weekends.
Mom: Will you do anything else?
Sun: Oh, yes. We’re planting young trees and plants to sell to some schools. We hope to
give more green color to the town and (5) ……….some money for our Group.
Mom: That sounds excellent.
Sun: Thanks, Mom.
1. A. unhappily B. happily C. happy
2. A. in B. at C. on
3. A. join B. take part C. tutor
4. A. have B. go C. clean
5. A. give B. earn C. donate

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