Mong mn giúp ạ Viết đúng dạng của từ. 1. Look! The cat (climb) … on the tree. 2. I (travel) … to Da Nang this summer vacation. 3. He never (do) ..

By Adalyn

Mong mn giúp ạ
Viết đúng dạng của từ.
1. Look! The cat (climb) … on the tree.
2. I (travel) … to Da Nang this summer vacation.
3. He never (do) … his homework.
4. He (visit) … to Da Nang this Sunday.
5. (Be) … you (do) … your homework this weekend?
6. My brother (cook) … in the kitchen.
7. We often (have) … dinner at 6 pm.
8. I (not have) … any birthday party this week.
9. (Be) … she (go) … to class tomorrow?
10. (Do) … your mother (cook) … dinner everyday?

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