from point of view , using computers and phones too much bring us both advantages and some negative things ( viết về mặt tốt hoặc mặt xấu)

By Adalynn

from point of view , using computers and phones too much bring us both advantages and some negative things ( viết về mặt tốt hoặc mặt xấu)

0 bình luận về “from point of view , using computers and phones too much bring us both advantages and some negative things ( viết về mặt tốt hoặc mặt xấu)”

  1. In my opinion, computer plays an important part in our life. However, while bringing certain advantages, this high-tech device has its own limitations. First of all, computer is a useful tool and an intelligent device in every aspect of life. What’s more, new constructive materials, new robots, and new fuels are all made with the help of information technology. That is to say computer has made our life become modern, more convenient and civilized. However, a computer also has its own disadvantages because the users take its advantage for negative purposes. Some people use computers to do nothing but playing games, chitchat, spam, create dirty information on the Net. In addition, sitting in front of the screen for long hours can lead to obesity, backache, and short-sightedness. Besides, people paying too much attention to online activities may become passive in real life because of their lacks of communication. In short, everything has its two sides, so does computer. Therefore, it is necessary that we use it for right purposes.

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