những quan niệm khác nhau về hoạt động của nguyễn trãi trong thời gian 10 năm trước khi tham gia khởi nghĩa lam sơn?

By Lyla

những quan niệm khác nhau về hoạt động của nguyễn trãi trong thời gian 10 năm trước khi tham gia khởi nghĩa lam sơn?

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  1. Wherever we go, we always remember our homeland. My hometown is dear inded. The people here are always working hard. Thai Nguyen is also known as the resistance capital. Many soldiers come here here and do not count them all. Everyone praised the enthusiasm of Thai  place. It is not a noisy and noisy place like big cities. It makes me feel peaceful then remember it. Every time I go away, I look forward to returning to Thai Nguyen to forget the pressures of life.

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