Read the comments from foreign students taking a language course in London. Then complete the sentences about each student using the correct form of t

By Athena

Read the comments from foreign students taking a language course in London. Then complete the sentences about each student using the correct form of the verbs given.
1. “My parents agreed that I could come here on my own.”
Keiko’s parents let her …………………………. (travel) alone to London.
2. “I’m finding it difficult to speak in English all the time.”
…………………………. (speak) in English all the time is difficult for Sergio.
3. “I sometimes get confused by what people in shops are saying.”
Omar sometimes fails …………………………. (understand) people in shops.
4. “At first I was very nervous about speaking English.”
At first Nefeli was too scared …………………………. (express) herself in English.
5. “I’m not at all sorry that I came on this course.”
Alberto doesn’t regret …………………………. (take) the course.
6. “I don’t like learning English in a large class.”
Amita would rather …………………………. (not study) English in a large class of students.
7. “The dictionary app on my mobile phone is a big help.”
The app on Erik’s phone allows him …………………………. (look up) words.
8. “I like to send lots of emails friends back home.”
Irina spends a lot of time …………………………. (keep) in touch with her friends.

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