+) Task 1: Choose the correct advice for the following health problems. (You can choose more than one option.) 1. I can’t sleep at night. What should

By Adalynn

+) Task 1: Choose the correct advice for the following health problems. (You can choose more than one option.)
1. I can’t sleep at night. What should I do?
A. Make sure your bedroom is quiet and dark. B. Sleep in.
C. Avoid drinks high in caffeine. D. Surf the internet until you feel sleepy.
E. Turn off all mobile devices such as laptops, phones and tablets.
2. I have a cough and a sore throat.
A. Take some cough syrup. B. Gargle with salt water.
C. Eat more spicy food. D. Drink hot lemonade with honey.
E. Try to rest your eyes.
3. I’m so tired and sometimes I have a backache.
A. Sleep in every day. B. Do more exercise. C. Get a massage.
D. Stay away from bed. E. Watch more TV.
4. I’m getting fat.
A. Eat less fast food. B. Run or cycle for at least 30 minutes a day.
C. Sleep in more. D. Eat more vegetables and fruits. E. Drink more coffee and alcohol.
5. I have a temperature.
A. Put a wet towel on your forehead. B. Eat more rice and meat and drink more coffee.
C. Drink more water. D. Take a hot bath. E. Stay outdoors more and do more exercise.
+)Task 2: Rearrange the following statements to have Nga’s inquiry letter for health advice.
However, I have a toothache.
Dear Dr. Hung,
Thanks in advance,
I brush my teeth every morning.
What can I do?

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