Task 3: Complete the conversation with the verbs in brackets. Use either the future simple or the future continuous tense. Tom: What will we do to

By Eloise

Task 3: Complete the conversation with the verbs in brackets. Use either the future simple or the future continuous tense.
Tom: What will we do to save electricity, Dad?
Tom’s dad: First, we (1. watch) _______________ less TV.
Tom: _______________ we (2. put) _______________ solar panels on our roof for the heating and hot water?
Tom’s dad: Yes, and this time next week, we (3. have) _______________ a free solar shower.
Tom: What about transport? I mean, how _______________ we (4. travel) _________________ to school and to work?
Tom’s dad: Well, we won’t use our car. We (5. walk or cycle) _______________ to cut air pollution.
Tom: So, at 7 o’clock tomorrow, you (6. cycle) _______________ to work, and I (7. go) _______________ to school on my skateboard.
Tom’s dad: Great idea!

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