– Trả lời các câu hỏi sau: 1. As a student, what experience have you enjoying? 2. What do you do to keep yourself clean? 3. What is pollution? 4. Can

By Hadley

– Trả lời các câu hỏi sau:
1. As a student, what experience have you enjoying?
2. What do you do to keep yourself clean?
3. What is pollution?
4. Can you give 1 or 2 examples of Pollution?
5. What can you do to reduce pollution and help conserve or protect our enviroment?
( Lưu ý: Các câu trả lời cần dài ạ)
– Thanks!

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  1. – Trả lời các câu hỏi sau:
    1. As a student, what experience have you enjoying?

    ⇒Join Clubs on topics that interest you and love such as music, dance, basketball, volleyball, … while making new friends and sharing your interests together. Everyone has experienced it
    2. What do you do to keep yourself clean?

    ⇒Take a shower every day. This is the best way to clear away dirt, sweat, or bacteria that the body builds up throughout the day and prevent hygiene-related pathogens. Makes us cleaner, smoother
    3. What is pollution?

    ⇒Pollution, also known as environmental pollution, is an environmental phenomenon that changes in nature. This change causes environmental degradation. This change will affect the health of the human species.
    4. Can you give 1 or 2 examples of Pollution?

    ⇒A water source is gradually disappearing
    Water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution, air pollution
    5. What can you do to reduce pollution and help conserve or protect our enviroment?

    ⇒Keep tree. Trees absorb carbon dioxide, prevent soil erosion, and provide ecological environments for all living things. …
    +Use natural materials. …

    Trả lời
  2. 1, As a student, I enjoying the experience of participating in school activities outside of school hours such as participating in cultural activities, clubs, …

    2, To keep my self clean, i will shower and wash well every day, wash my hands and feet, wash my hands after using the toilet, and so on.

    3, pollution is the presence in or introduction into the environment of a substance or thing that has harmful or poisonous effects.“the level of pollution in the air is rising”

    4, air pollution, pollution water, soil pollution,..

    5, We can plant more trees, minimize the waste put into the environment, prohibit the acts of discharging industrial waste into rivers, lakes, …

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