Trả lời những câu hỏi này giúp mình. Theo ý các bạn cũng được???????????? – Whose party was it? – What was the occasion? – Did you take a gift for the

By Lydia

Trả lời những câu hỏi này giúp mình.
Theo ý các bạn cũng được????????????
– Whose party was it?
– What was the occasion?
– Did you take a gift for the host?
– Who did you go with?
– Where was the party?
– Were there any decorations?
– Were there a lot of people there?
– Did you know most of the people there?
– What sort of food and drink did you have?
– What was a music like?
– Did you dance?
– Did you meet anybody nice there?
– What time did it finish?
– Did you stay to the end?

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