Unit 6 Activity 4 (page 12) Sử dụng các thông tin đã cho viết một bài về những điều không tốt của một người mẹ ra ngoài đi làm) Sử dụng các từ nối sa

By Caroline

Unit 6
Activity 4 (page 12) Sử dụng các thông tin đã cho viết một bài về những điều không tốt của một người mẹ ra ngoài đi làm)
Sử dụng các từ nối sau:
OPENING: Mothers should not be encouraged to work outside the home.
– Supporting idea 1. Women have traditional roles
housewives, housekeeper
Do housework………..
– Supporting idea 2. Not having enough time
Men work at office
Women have to work at the office and at home.
– Supporting idea 3. Not being good workers
Household chores affect work
Cannot concentrate on work
Worry about kids and housework.
ENDING: Clearly, mothers should not be strongly supported to work outside the home.
( Dưới đây là 2 ví dụ của phần Supporting idea 1
Ex1: First, women have traditional roles as housewives and housekeepers. They should stay at home, do housework and look after their husbands and children. In extended families where more than two generations live together, women are also the main caregivers for elderly people.
Ex2: Firstly, women have traditional roles. They are housewives and housekeepers so they should stay at home, do housework and look after their husbands and children. If their family live with elderly people, women are also the main caregivers for them.

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  1. Mothers should not be encouraged to work outside the home.

    First, women have traditional roles as housewives and housekeepers. They should stay at home, doing housework and looking after their husbands and children. In extended families where more than two generations live together, women are also the main caregivers for elderly people. Second, working mothers do not have enough time. Men’s work finishes at the office, but women’s work is extended to their households. After an eight-hour working day, these exhausted women have to do household chores, take care of their husbands and children without having any time to relax. Finally, working mothers cannot be good workers. Tiring and boring chores at home negatively affect women’s tasks in their working place. They cannot concentrate or work as effectively as those who do not have to worry about taking kids to school, picking them up after school, and doing housework.

    Clearly, mothers should not be strongly supported to work outside the home.

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