V. Write the opposite. 1. ​turn up (the radio)​___ 2​. put on (a coat)​___ 3​. forget (a name)​___ 4​. get better​___ 5​. stand up​___ VI. 1​. When

By Natalia

V. Write the opposite.
1. ​turn up (the radio)​___
2​. put on (a coat)​___
3​. forget (a name)​___
4​. get better​___
5​. stand up​___

1​. When I saw her she was walking ____ the lake.
​across through towards
2​. Last night we ___ a cake for his birthday.
​made did paid
3​. She always ___ a handbag.
​wears puts carries
4​. Go ___ the supermarket and the bank is on your left.
​over past along
5. ​I ___broke my friend’s camera.
​luckily accidentally immediately
6​. He looks ___his father.
​like as same
7​. I looked ___ the new words in the dictionary.
​down through up
8​. A​: I love computer games.
​B​: ____ do I!
​So Also Neither
9​. I’m looking ___Jan’s baby while she’s out.
​forward after for
10​. I gave ____ smoking two years ago.
​down off up
11​. I am working very hard because I want to ____ at 50 and go travelling.
​retire separate leave
12​. Did you know text-messaging was ____ by a Finnish company?
​discovered invented designed
13​. I went to Morocco in August and it was ___ hot. In fact it was boiling.
​a bit quite incredibly
14​. The lion looked asleep but it ___ jumped up and ran away.
​luckily accidentally suddenly
15​. The little girl said she wanted to get married and ___ ten children.
​have get become
VII. Complete the sentences with one word.
1​. The student ___ me he had been in the school for a month.
2​. A: ​Shall we go out for dinner?
​B​: That’s OK. I ___ mind cooking.
3. ​I’m looking ___ Ben. Have you seen him?
4​. I get on very __ with Jackie. She’s like a sister to me.
5​. I do the same thing every day. It is so ___. I want to do something different and more exciting.
6​. We walked ___ the bridge to see the ducks in the river.
7​. I cooked the meal and my wife ____ the washing up.
8​. Please don’t ___ a noise. The baby’s sleeping.
9​. A​: What are you doing here?
​B​: I’m waiting ___ a friend.
10​. The boy ___ that he wanted to dance with me.
VIII. Underline the stressed syllable.
1​. newspaper
2​. kangaroo
3​. invented
4. ​divorced
5. ​salary
6​. elephant
7​. towards
8​. dolphin
9. ​imagination
10​. directed
IX. Match the words with the same sound.
hope get tiger forget turn divorced discover wear enjoy finish
1​. promise​___
2​. dangerous​___
3​. across​___
4​. mosquito​___
5​. whale​___
6​. elephant​____
7​. throw​__
8​. earn​__
9​. pretend​____
10​. try​___

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