viết 1 đoạn văn tương tự đoạn writting unit 2

viết 1 đoạn văn tương tự đoạn writting unit 2

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  1. A quality sleep – ensuring the timing, length, and depth of sleep – is important for human survival and development. Modern studies have found evidence proving the benefits of sleep for both our bodies and minds. Sleep is responsible for regenerating the body’s cells, purifying the brain, developing learning and memory functions. Sleep also plays an important role in regulating emotions, controlling appetite, or excessive sex drive. At the same time, sleep also strengthens the body’s immune system, balances hormones, helps us feel alert and energized when we wake up.
    Lack of sleep can affect the hippocampus, the area of ​​the brain involved in the creation and storage of memory. Besides, sleep disorders can also be a sign of mental disorders like depression or clinical anxiety. And people with sleep problems are five times more likely to develop depression and twenty times more likely to develop anxiety than people on good sleep patterns. On the other hand, lack of sleep affects the amygdala, which is where emotions such as fear, anger, and anxiety come from, making it easier for us to lose control of our emotions and under constant stress. . Lack of sleep also increases your risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and stroke.
    2. What is a night of good sleep?
    A good sleep must ensure the following factors:
    About duration: For each different age, the required amount of sleep will be different, and there is also a difference for each individual. Babies can sleep from 16 to 18 hours a day, contributing to the development of the baby’s body and brain. Adolescents and teens need an average of 9 hours of sleep each day. Most adults need an average of 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night. After the age of 60, people sleep is usually shorter, shallower, and often wake up several times.
    About when: Depends on when you want to wake up to decide what time you will go to bed. For example, if you want to get up at 6 am then you should go to bed at 10:30 pm sleep at 11 o’clock to ensure at least seven hours of sleep. At the same time, many studies have proven that staying up late will affect your brain and body such as hormonal disorders, distraction, affecting the regeneration of cells in the body.
    Quality: A good sleep is when we do not suffer, or minimize the times we wake up during our sleep.
    Oversleeping is also detrimental to your health, and also a sign of depression, of hypersomnolence in some cases.

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  2. Dear Jane,

    Sleep is very important to us and one of the secrets to get good sleep is eating right.

    There are some foods that can stop your sleep and help you fall asleep.

    Try to make dinnertime earlier in the evening, and avoid heavy, rich foods within two hours of bed. Fatty foods take a lot of work for your stomach to digest and may keep you up. Also be cautious when it comes to spicy or acidic foods in the evening, as they can cause stomach trouble and heartburn.

    Many people think that a nightcap before bed will help them sleep, but it’s counterintuitive. While it may make you fall asleep faster, alcohol reduces your sleep quality, wakes you up later in the night. To avoid this effect, stay away from alcohol in the hours before bed.

    You might be surprised to know that caffeine can cause sleep problems up to ten to twelve hours after drinking it! Consider eliminating caffeine after lunch or cutting back your overall intake.

    Avoid drinking too many liquids in the evening. Drinking lots of water, juice, tea, or other fluids may result in frequent bathroom trips throughout the night. Caffeinated drinks, which act as diuretics, only make things worse.

    If you’re hungry at bedtime, a light snack before bed can help promote sleep. When you pair tryptophan-containing foods with carbohydrates, it may help calm the brain and allow you to sleep better.

    Hope you will get a good sleep.


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