viết lại câu sao cho giống với câu đầu tiên bằng từ cho sẵn trong ngoặc. Sử dụng từ hai đến năm từ, bao gồm cả từ đã cho. 1. There are fewer teachers

By Margaret

viết lại câu sao cho giống với câu đầu tiên bằng từ cho sẵn trong ngoặc. Sử dụng từ hai đến năm từ, bao gồm cả từ đã cho.
1. There are fewer teachers in my school than there were last year. (NOT)
There __________________________________________ teachers in my school as there were last year
2. My mother isn’t quite as tall as me. (SLIGHTLY)
My mother is ____________________________________________ me.
3. This exercise is much easier than the last one. (NEARLY)
This exercise is __________________________________________________ the last one.
4. Jamie’s mobile is very similar to mine. (LOT)
There is not ________________________________________________ Jamie’s mobile phone and mine
5. . There are more boys than girls in our class. (AS)
There are ___________________________________________ as boys in our class.
6. I’ve never known anyone as clever as Hilary. (THE)
Hilary is _______________________________________________ ever known
7. . I have never read a better book than this one. (EVER)
This is the __________________________________________________ read.
8. The painting Edward did is the ugliest one you can imagine. (THAN)
You can’t imagine ____________________________________________________ the one Edward did.
9.Home computers used to be much more expensive. (AS)
Home computers aren’t ___________________ used to be
10. The north-west of Britain has more rain each year than the south-west. (THAT)
The annual rainfall in the north-west of Britain _________________________________ the south-west.

0 bình luận về “viết lại câu sao cho giống với câu đầu tiên bằng từ cho sẵn trong ngoặc. Sử dụng từ hai đến năm từ, bao gồm cả từ đã cho. 1. There are fewer teachers”

  1. 1. are not as many teachers 

    2. slightly shorter than me

    3. not nearly as difficult as the last one

    4. a lot of differences between 

    5. not as many girls 

    6. the most clever I have

    7. best book I have ever read

    8. an uglier painting than 

    9. as expensive as they

    10. is much more than that in

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