Write a passage of about 100-120 words to tell the reason why you choose to study English.

By Delilah

Write a passage of about 100-120 words to tell the reason why you choose to study English.

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  1. Dơ an sơ

    English is a subject that many students love, it is also a very important subject, if you have gone to school then it is imperative that you study this subject because it is indispensable. Ask why did you choose to learn English yet? I chose to study this subject for many reasons, but mostly because it is a very interesting subject, much more interesting than literature and math. In addition, studying this subject also helps me to communicate with foreigners and become their friends. I like this subject also because if I choose this subject to study in the future there may be many career options that make a lot of money, for example English teacher, translator … I choose I also study English because I want to be successful and be able to apply for a job easily in the future. In short, choosing to study English brings many different benefits, you should find this subject interesting and learn it.


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