write about your dream house ( no coppy )

By Raelynn

write about your dream house ( no coppy )

0 bình luận về “write about your dream house ( no coppy )”

  1. My text :

    I will live in a big house like a shark .It’s surrounded by grass and many tall trees .There are many new equipment in my house . there are twenty one rooms in this house .Each room , there are five robots in here. My favorite rooms is my bedroom . It build with gold and there are trees and many window . 

    ( no coppy )

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  2. In the future i will live in a motorhouse, if there any question why i choose it i will say that when you live in a motorhouse you will be able to moving around the world which pretty funny and interesting. The car only have a black and white color outside. Inside there will have a wireless TV, automatic door, fridge, oven,… But if we live in a motorhouse, we won’t have any electrical so my future house will have a solar energy and lunar energy either.There will be many robot to take care of my jobs but not private jobs.

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