Writing task 1/Discuss this question in pairs or small groups. Brainstorm ideas first. What problems does a person who is totally colour-blind face in

By Cora

Writing task
1/Discuss this question in pairs or small groups. Brainstorm ideas first. What problems does a person who is totally colour-blind face in everyday life?
2/Present your three best ideas to the class.

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  1. 1.According to me, blind people cannot make money, cannot do what they want like ordinary people, but if they have the will, they will surely succeed. Like me, she is blind due to contamination Dad’s Agent Orange, but he rose up with his own energy, rose up with his blind eyes and got what he wanted. That is, he became a director of a large company. uncle. I want to tell everyone one thing, “Don’t see the waves but let your hands go”

    2.Hey guys! Today I have 3 ideas and want to present them to our dear 5A5 class. The first idea is that our class 5A5 members must unite, and all of us together, we will definitely succeed. The second idea I want to tell you is that my classmates must be obedient to their parents, so be a member of this class. And the last and most important idea is today is the 20th. / 10 Let’s give the teacher a surprise gift Thank you to class 5A5 for listening

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