1) many people in this area feel unhealthy because of the polluted source of water (rewrite the sentence, using since ) 2) it rained heavily so i got

By Madelyn

1) many people in this area feel unhealthy because of the polluted source of water (rewrite the sentence, using since )
2) it rained heavily so i got wet . ( because) / ( because of)
3) my father was very pleased becasue i got mark 10 (since)
4) we were very lated as the traffict was bad (because) / )because of)

Phụ huynh gặp khó khăn cân bằng công việc và dạy con chương trình mới. Hãy để dịch vụ gia sư của chúng tôi giúp bạn giảm bớt áp lực, cung cấp kiến thức chuyên sâu và hỗ trợ con bạn học tập hiệu quả.

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