1.the units-into the following areas:listening,speaking,reading,and writing. a.are separated b.separate c.separated d.separating 2.Peo

By Kylie

1.the units….into the following areas:listening,speaking,reading,and writing.
a.are separated b.separate c.separated d.separating
2.People aged 65 and over now….nearly 20% of the population.
a.comprise b.contain c.consist d.combine
3.Mexico is famous for its hot……and spicy food.
a.climate b.area c.industry d.red
4.she till…..on her parents for money because she hasn’t got a job.
a.denies b.depends c.deposit d.desert
5.the teacher……the class into groups of three.
a.shared b.turned c.changed d.divided

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