1.There/many/thing/do/home/help/family/more/energy/efficient 2.The energy/store/a number of days 3.Shut/computer/TV/other/electrical/stuff/when/not/us

By Eliza

2.The energy/store/a number of days
4.Viet Nam/an advanced technology/solar energy

0 bình luận về “1.There/many/thing/do/home/help/family/more/energy/efficient 2.The energy/store/a number of days 3.Shut/computer/TV/other/electrical/stuff/when/not/us”

  1. 1. There are many thing to do at home to help your family more energy effcient.

    2. The energy can be stored a number of days.

    3. Shut the computer, TV, and other electrical stuffs when you don’t use them.

    4. Viet Nam can be advanced technology in solar energy.


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  2. 1. There are many thing to do at home to help your family more energy effcient.

    2. The energy can be stored a number of days.

    3. Shut the computer, TV, and other electrical stuffs when you don’t use them.

    4. Viet Nam can be advanced technology in solar energy.

    #Melody Khánh

    #Love u❤❤

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