Bài 1: Write the correct fro the of verb in the brackets 1. It (be )= often hot in summer. 2. The children often go (swim)=..

By Hadley

Bài 1: Write the correct fro the of verb in the brackets
1. It (be )………… often hot in summer.
2. The children often go (swim)………….. in rivers after school
3. It is necessary (water)……………. the flowers twice a day
4. Farmers are aways busy with (harvest)………….their crops
5. Mai (love/ listen)…………..to the morning sounds in the countryside
6. My father aways (make )……………. improtant decisions in the family
7. in summer afternoons, children often (fly)…………..kites especially when it (be)………. windy
8. We sometimes (gather)…………… around the campfire and (listen)………… to the elderly tell stories about my village’s heroes
9. The (village)…………. are very friendly and hospitable
10. Spring coming, the hills are (color)…………. with many species of wild flowers blooming
11. Nomads usually move to get food and find lands to (farmer)………….
12. you must drive (care)…………… on the city roads or you will take high risk of getting accidents

Phụ huynh gặp khó khăn cân bằng công việc và dạy con chương trình mới. Hãy để dịch vụ gia sư của chúng tôi giúp bạn giảm bớt áp lực, cung cấp kiến thức chuyên sâu và hỗ trợ con bạn học tập hiệu quả.

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