Giải thích giùm em với ạ ! !! Em đa tạ zất nhiều !!!!!!! The first Academy Awards ceremony was held on 16 May, 1929 over dinner in Hollywood’s Roosev

By Nevaeh

Giải thích giùm em với ạ ! !!
Em đa tạ zất nhiều !!!!!!!
The first Academy Awards ceremony was held on 16 May, 1929 over dinner in Hollywood’s Roosevelt Hotel.(1)…was attended by 270 people, each(2) …5 dollars to bring a guest, and hosted by silent-movie actor Douglas Fairbanks, who gave out the awards in a few minutes. The 12 winners had been (3) … three months beforehand and the very first”Oscar” – a 34cm – tall gold-plated statuette designed by MGM’s art director, Cedric Gibbons-had already been handed to German actor Emil Jannings, who had sailed to Europe a few weeks before. Actually, Jannings was the runner-up in the Best Actor category, the real winner was Rin Tin Tin, a celebrity dog, but the new awards ceremony wanted to be (4) ,,, seriously.
According to legend, a librarian in the offices of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, which awards the prizes, saw a statuette and said”Gee! He looks just like my Uncle Oscar”. The name stuck, and(5),,, did the “Little Man”, who remains the single most prized object in the entire multi – billion – dollars movie business.
1) A. There B. That C. Where D. It
2) A. Paid B. Paying C. Pay D. Pays
3) A.Revealed B.Advertised C.Reported D.Presented
4) A. Done B. Taken C. Made D. Seemed.
5)A. Too B. Also C. So D. Then

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