Giúp em với ạ, em sắp phải nộp r :(( Write a short paragraph about your study corner.

By Peyton

Giúp em với ạ, em sắp phải nộp r :((
Write a short paragraph about your study corner.

0 bình luận về “Giúp em với ạ, em sắp phải nộp r :(( Write a short paragraph about your study corner.”

  1. The place I spend my time exploring new things, new ideas are my study table. The favourite corner of my room. Made out of wood. It has a drawer and a small shelf below it having two rows. It also has a place to keep my laptop. All my subjects books are stored on the shelf while all my stationery is in the drawer. The table is just near the window through which I can feel the cool breeze and the chirps of the birds and the soothing silence during my study time.

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