GIÚP MÌNH VỚI. MÌNH CẦN GẤP!! You are going to talk about an interesting activity that you do,or someone you know does. Use the ideas below to help y

By Isabelle

You are going to talk about an interesting activity that you do,or someone you know does. Use the ideas below to help you.
Ideas :
• Who is the person?
• Give some personal details( name,age,where they are from and what studies or job they do)
• Describe the activity this person does and why it is interesting

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  1. Today, I’m going to talk about my best friend’s interesting activity. Her name is Dan, she’s 13 years old. Dan is from Vietnam, she’s a student in a secondary school. She often plays badminton with me. She really into it because it helps her relax after school hours. It also helps her to keep fit. That’s why she thinks badminton is an interesting activity.

    ~ Choa tớ xin ctlhn nhắ cậu yew~

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