write about your hooby:> y/cầu:đọc sách nha viết thì đừng đơn giản quá mak trình độ cao lên chút tầm hơn 150 từ

By Arianna

write about your hooby:>
y/cầu:đọc sách nha
viết thì đừng đơn giản quá mak trình độ cao lên chút
tầm hơn 150 từ

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  1. $\text{Book is one part of my beautiful life and reading book has definitely  been my favourite hobby. I will be able to never forget the interesting moment when my father gave me the first book which is full of colourful pictures. I was very delighted though I difficultly understood what were there in that book. I read wherever, whenever, and whatever kinds of books, from short story, comic, to novel and many more. My father always encourages me to read book and He buys me many useful and interesting books. Books are like my friends who can teach me many things over the world. They let me know of a lot of beautiful places and the history of our country and many others. My tears come from those books and so do my happy laughters. Most free time of mine is spent on discovering books, books are very useful and so great. Reading books is the most interesting indoor activities that you should try.}$

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  2. Hi everyone ! My name is Sophie. Today, I’m going to talk about my hobby. My hobby is reading book. Every day we should train ourselves a habit of reading, reading helps us improve our education level as well as all the knowledge and skills we have. Reading books helps us to expand our knowledge, it helps us a lot in life, life is growing and bustling, so it makes people need to rethink their own reading culture. For myself, reading culture has a great influence on thinking, learning as well as the whole life of each person, each of us can realize that through the way and attitude of each person. Reading book is the most effective way to help you overcome those errors in language use. You read a literary book and see the author using very good words to describe the sky in different states. You will see sentences that start with a subject or predicate, start with a verb or an adjective, but still have the correct Vietnamese grammatical structure. You know how to use the transition words ‘such’, ‘of course’ in a flexible and skillful way to express the problem. Reading must go with understanding and doing. All of the foregoing goes hand in hand with its actions: reading a book can be told to one’s lover, reading a book must make it one’s property, an achievement of the whole world. That way you can give back what you took from the books. Do you have any books on hand now? If you want your life to regret, just sit there. The book does not discriminate against anyone, only those who do not realize its true value.

    Thanks for your listening !

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