1. I find collecting glass bottles interesting. (HOBBY) HELP ……………………………………………………………………. 2. Van’s brother usually goes to work by motorbike. (RID

By Mackenzie

1. I find collecting glass bottles interesting. (HOBBY) HELP
2. Van’s brother usually goes to work by motorbike. (RIDES)
3. What hobby do you like best, Elina? (FAVOURITE)
4. Linh finds playing board games boring. (LIKE)
5. My sister enjoys arranging flowers. (FINDS)

0 bình luận về “1. I find collecting glass bottles interesting. (HOBBY) HELP ……………………………………………………………………. 2. Van’s brother usually goes to work by motorbike. (RID”

  1. 1. My hobby is collecting glass bottle

    2. Van’s brother usually rides a motorbike to work

    3. What’s your favourite hobby, Elina ?

    4. Linh doesn’t like playing board games

    5. My sister finds arranging flowers interested

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  2. 1.my hobby is collecting glass bottles 

    2.Van’s brother usually rides to work

    3.what is your favorite activity,elina ?

    4.linh doesn’t like playing board games

    5.my sister finds arranging flowers interesting

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