18. What’s Tom’s address? → Where cloe Tom hve … 19. The party will start at 5 p.m. and finish at 9 p.m. → The party will last 4 hour -. 20. How

By Ximena

18. What’s Tom’s address?
→ Where cloe Tom hve

19. The party will start at 5 p.m. and finish at 9 p.m.
→ The party will last 4 hour
20. How much do these dresses cost?
o1 there a desses
→ What
21. How much is a cup of coffee?
→ How much
22. How far is it from your house to the market?
→ What
23. There are forty students in my class.
→ My
24. Where were you born?
→ Where’s
25. This tree is taller than that one.
→ That tree
→ That tree
26. Where does she live?
→ What
27. What’s the distance between HCM City and Da Lat?
→ How
28. I am going to visit Pearl Harbor next week.
29. Be on time!
→ Don’t
30. Ilow old are you?
→ What

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