CẤN GẤP, ƯU TIÊN GIẢI THÍCH TẠI SAO NHÉ!!!!!!! I. Choose the correct answer. 1. My friend really enjoys _______ books magazines. A. read

By Sarah

I. Choose the correct answer.
1. My friend really enjoys _______ books magazines.
A. read B. to read C. reading D. to reading
2. Jennifer wants _______ her friends in SanFrancisco next week.
A. to visit B. visiting C. visited D. visits
3. I’d like _______ a cup of tea in the early afternoon.
A. drink B. to drink C. drinking D. drinks
4. I really dislike _______ on holidays and weekends.
A. work B. to work C. working D. to working
5.We decided _______ a new car.
A. buying B. to buy C. buy D. buys
6. I learned _______ the bike at the age of 5.
A. ride B. riding C. to riding D. to ride
7. I hate _______ money from other people.
A. borrow B. to borrow C. to be borrowing D. borrowing
8. He wants _______ Spanish as it’s becoming more important.
A. to learn B. learning C. learns D. to learning
9. I would like you _______ the plants for me at the weekend.
A. water B. to water C. watering D. watered
10. If you decide _______ your car, let me_______.
A. sell/ know B. selling/ to know C. to sell/ to know D. to sell/ know
11. Students stopped _______noise when the teacher came in.
A. make B. to make C. making D. made
12. It can be difficult _______ a jogging partner.
A. find B. to find C. finding D. to be find
13. He is learning _______ football these days.
A. to play B. playing C. plays D. played
14. The teacher asked the class_______ quiet.
A. keep B. keeping C. to keep D. kept
15. I did not plan _______so much money on my vacation.
A. spending B. spend C. spent D. to spend
16. He advised me_______ for the interview at home.
A. practicing B. to practice C. practiced D. practice
17. I am going to explain why I decided _______ to college.
A. go B. going C. to go D. went
18. The doctor advised_______ late.
A. me not staying up B. me not stay up
C. me not to stay up D. I did not stay up
19. Try_______ so many mistakes.
A. not to make B. not make C. to make not D. make not
20. Let me_______ from you soon.
A. to hear B. hear C. hearing D. heard
21. May I suggest you let _______.
A. Mary doing so B. Mary do so C. Mary does so D. Mary to do so
22. My father usually helps me_______ English.
A. to learn B. learn
C. learning D. both A and B are correct
23. Mr. Brown told the schoolgirls_______ in class.
A. don’t eat B. not to eat C. eat not D. not eat
24. President Roosevelt asked Archibald Mac Leish_______as the Librarian of Congress.
A. serving B. to serve C. to be served D. served
25. This student expected_______ the first winner of the Grand Prix.
A. be B. being C. to be D. will be
26. He told Mary_______ up hope.
A. not give B. do not give C. not to give D. to give not
27. The Nusret used _______ a warship in the First World War.
A. to have been B. be C. to being D. to be
28. _______ all the homework, I went to bed.
A. Have finished B. Having finished C. To finish D. Finish
29. I had my brother _______ my suitcase.
A. carry B. carried C. to carry D. to carried
30. The school superintendent told me_______.
A. hurrying up B. to hurry up C. hurry up D. hurried up
31. If you can’t turn the key, try _______ some oil in the lock.
A. to put B. put C. putting D. puts
32. She should avoid _______other people’s feeling.
A. hurting B. to hurt C. hurt D. hurts
33. Our house needs_______.
A. to paint B. to be painting C. to be paint D. painting
34. I arranged _______ the American businessmen on behalf of my company.
A. to meet B. met C. to be meet D. meets
35. I decided _______ to the theatre myself as the others didn’t want to come with me.
A. go B. to go C. going D. gone

Phụ huynh gặp khó khăn cân bằng công việc và dạy con chương trình mới. Hãy để dịch vụ gia sư của chúng tôi giúp bạn giảm bớt áp lực, cung cấp kiến thức chuyên sâu và hỗ trợ con bạn học tập hiệu quả.

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