Complete the sentences with the correct word(s). Example: She tried on the dress in the shop. off on up 1 Have you __________ your bed this morni

By Rylee

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s).
Example: She tried on the dress in the shop.
off on up
1 Have you __________ your bed this morning?
done made cleaned
2 They don’t go __________ to eat very often.
off out up
3 The hotels are too expensive, so we’re __________ at a campsite.
staying hiring renting
4 How do you __________ this word?
repeat underline pronounce
5 We’re seeing our cousins next week. We’re really looking __________ it.
for forward to after
6 The town centre was very __________. There were a lot of people.
quiet boring crowded
7 My university course starts __________ October.
in on at
8 We __________ at the hotel very late last night.
got arrived came
9 I __________ Victor some money last month, and he hasn’t paid me back.
spent lent borrowed
10 Don’t eat all that cake! It’s really __________.
unhealthy uncomfortable polluted
11 What did you think __________ the play?
off for of
12 This lesson started __________ 9.15. You’re late again!
on in at
13 I’m going to _______ Chris to our picnic this weekend.
meet invite stay
14 Don’t worry _______ the washing up. I’ll do it later.
about for on
15 Who’s paying _______ the car parking?
to for on

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