ewrite the sentences in the passive 1, Somebody stole his bicycle last week =–.. 2, They have redesigned the website =…

By Abigail

ewrite the sentences in the passive
1, Somebody stole his bicycle last week
2, They have redesigned the website
3, They are going to paint the office
4, They had already delivered the parcel
5, You should wear a helmet at all times
7, They will announce the results tomorrow
8, Somebody is translating the book in English
9, Mr Harding has signed the contracts
10, Ian Jones may play the part of Hamlet
11, A French chef will prepare the meal
12, Mrs Johnson marks our tests
13, Fred Taylor is designing her dress
14, A young man was following her
15, Rudyard Kipling wrote The Jungle Book
16, They have found the missing boy
17, Mr Fox’s secretary organises all the mettings
18, A huge dog was chasing the cat
19, A famous artist will paint her portrait
20, They had tested the products on animals
21, They should fire him
22, Gustave Eiffel built the Eiffel tower
23, They’re going to deliver the furniture next week
24, Caitlin Peters can write the report

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