I. Use the right form of TO – INFINITIVE or GERUND/ PASSIVE INFINITIVE or GERUND: 1. We want (pay)_________ better wages. 2. That man seems (trust)___

By Ruby

1. We want (pay)_________ better wages.
2. That man seems (trust)_______ by everyone.
3. I absolutely refused (cheat)________ by them in that manner.
4. Do you want (become)____________ an engineer?
5. These workers don’t enjoy (use)__________ as cheap labour
6. Mr. Forster hopes (transfer)__________ to New York by his company
7. Teenagers enjoy (imitate)__________ their idol in many different ways.
8. The Negro expected (treat)__________ like human beings.
9. My new hi-fi kept (make)__________ a funny noise.
10. We hope (invite)_________ to discussions with the company.
11. Your teacher hopes you (not make) ___________ that mistake again.
12. No one enjoys (deceive)__________ by another person.
13. I’m thinking of (invite)________ to Tom’s party.
14. Do you agree (lend)_________ me some money?
15. That fellow couldn’t avoid (choose)__________ into military service.
16. I really didn’t expect (introduce)___________ to the president.
17. We appreciate (inform)_________ about the matter quickly.
18. Do you agree (give)_________ one mark in that situation?
19. He was made (answer)________ the question by the police.
20. He allowed me ( use) ________ his typewriter.
21. The mail is supposed (deliver)_________ at noon.
22. I don’t appreciate (interrupt)__________ when I’m speaking.
23. Please quit (smoke) _______ right now. I can’t stand the smelling.
24. Mrs. Brown was sad about (steal)__________ a lot of precious jewelries.
25. She hates (look)________ at by the others.
26. Naturally, I would like (promote)________ to higher position.
27. That author doesn’t mind (criticize)__________ by his friends.
28. The whole problem certainly needs (consider)_________ very carefully.
29. He wants the money_________(send) to his parents

Phụ huynh gặp khó khăn cân bằng công việc và dạy con chương trình mới. Hãy để dịch vụ gia sư của chúng tôi giúp bạn giảm bớt áp lực, cung cấp kiến thức chuyên sâu và hỗ trợ con bạn học tập hiệu quả.

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