xin lỗi mn em có ít điểm quá mong mn có thể giúp em ạ 1. I see that Tom _________ his composition. a. write b. is writing c. written d. writing 2. He

By Hadley

xin lỗi mn em có ít điểm quá mong mn có thể giúp em ạ
1. I see that Tom _________ his composition.
a. write b. is writing c. written d. writing
2. He says that he___________ for a job next week.
a. will look b. looking c. was looking d. looked
3. They think he __________ here last night.
a. was b. being c. to be d. be
4. He tells us that he __________ in mountains before.
a. had been c. being c. has been d. to be
5. I hope that he __________ able to attend.
a. is b. would be c. was being d. to be
6. He wants to do it before his father ____________.
a. came b. coming c. was coming d. comes
7. People have said that the sun __________in the East.
a. rises b. rise c. to rise d. rising
8. He says he _________ it some time.
a. will do b. had done c. was doing d. doing
9. He asked the guard what time the train usually______________.
a. starts b. was starting c. had started d. started
10. He told me in the morning that he ____________ with us the following day.
a. going b. was going c. has gone d. had gone

Phụ huynh gặp khó khăn cân bằng công việc và dạy con chương trình mới. Hãy để dịch vụ gia sư của chúng tôi giúp bạn giảm bớt áp lực, cung cấp kiến thức chuyên sâu và hỗ trợ con bạn học tập hiệu quả.

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