Write a 5-sentence paragraph about a gift you received

By Eliza

Write a 5-sentence paragraph about a gift you received

0 bình luận về “Write a 5-sentence paragraph about a gift you received”

  1. I have a very special gift – a very ordinary gift but for me it is very sacred. It is a pen given by my grandmother. I was given the pen for my 11th birthday. It is pink with a red flower. The pen body has the words “Beautiful words, human streaks”. Since the day she got her pen, the words I wrote have been praised by her. I love the pen very much.


    Tôi có một món quà rất đặc biệt – một món quà rất bình thường nhưng đối với tôi nó rất thiêng liêng. Đó là cây bút do bà tôi tặng. Tôi đã được tặng cây bút vào sinh nhật lần thứ 11 của mình. Nó có màu hồng với một bông hoa màu đỏ. Thân bút có dòng chữ “Chữ đẹp, nết người”. Từ ngày được cô cầm bút, những dòng chữ tôi viết ra đều được cô khen ngợi. Tôi yêu cây bút rất nhiều.

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  2. Every year, I always receive a lot of gifts from my parents and friends on my birthday. But last year, I received a special gift from my best friend. It was my birthday. I was presented many colourful and expensive gifts. I love it very much.

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